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About Us

Atlantic Commercial is a real estate brokerage company specializing in Commercial Real Estate in Southern New England. Headquartered in Foxborough, Massachusetts, Atlantic Commercial was established more than thirty years ago with the intention of becoming a premiere broker of Commercial Real Estate in its market. By focusing on sale and lease transaction management rather than an assortment of different services, we earn our clients’ trust by providing a service level and performance that is second to none. Our stock and trade is assisting clients who seek to buy, sell or lease commercial real estate.


Atlantic Commercial’s brokerage team consists of seasoned experts with an average tenure exceeding twenty–five years in the Commercial Real Estate industry.  Our brokerage team regularly canvases the region to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the local Commercial Real Estate market. Furthermore, with backgrounds in investment banking, insurance and engineering, the brokers of Atlantic Commercial bring more to the table than solely real estate expertise. Because of this, our team has the market knowledge necessary to lease vacant space, sell a building or help you find the perfect location. 


Mark F. Kearins, the founder and Principal Broker of Atlantic Commercial, has extensive experience in the Commercial Real Estate industry, keeping our company at the forefront of all Commercial Real Estate activity in Southern New England.  Because of Mark’s strong leadership over the years, Atlantic Commercial has the contacts, business relationships, market knowledge, and depth of insight needed to get the job done!

Owner Representation

At Atlantic Commercial we are only in the Commercial Real Estate business. This means our success is entirely based on fulfilling your goal because, unlike other companies, we cannot rely on property management or home sales for income. This means that when Atlantic Commercial takes on your project we will allocate marketing dollars and man-hours to create optimal exposure for your property and get the results you want.


Our services include:

   •   Market Analysis

   •   Consultation

   •   Portfolio Evaluation

   •   Development of a Custom Marketing Plan


Tenant and Buyer Representation

Whether you are expanding your business, moving across town, relocating headquarters, or growing into new areas, Atlantic Commercial can help you to make decisions that are in your company’s best interests – saving you time, minimizing costs, and maximizing value.


Our services include:

   •   Site Selection

   •   Market Analysis

   •   Consultation

   •   Lease versus Own Analysis

   •   Sale / Leaseback Transactions

   •   Portfolio Evaluation




Your Free Consultation Awaits....  781.551.8888

Alantic Commercial Real Estate, LLC / T 781.551.8888 / F 781.551.8880 / / © 2023 Atlantic Commercial Real Estate, LLC

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